Buller Building
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and the Loewen Lab at University of Manitoba sadly is no longer active. Peter has retired, the inevitable outcome of the passage of time. Peter’s lab was located in room 410 of the Buller Building on the Fort Garry Campus of the University of Manitoba in south Winnipeg from 1973, when he arrived, to 2018, when he shut down his lab in anticipation of retirement. The lab served as the hub for his Canada Research Chair in Protein Chemistry held from 2003 to 2017 and saw many talented graduate students pass through as they started their careers. Peter thanks the Department of Microbiology, the Faculty of Science and the University of Manitoba for their 45 years of support in a wonderfully bright and cheerful laboratory. He also extends a very special thanks to his loyal technician, Jack Switala, who beavered diligently and kept order in the lab from 1982 to 2017. Without Jack’s 35 years of labour, much of what is on the following pages would not have been possible. Another very special thanks must be extended to Ignacio Fita for persisting in a 35-year collaboration that shaped the last half of Peter’s career. Ignacio held the hand of the novice as he struggled with the basics of crystallography, kept his sense of humour and became a very good friend. Less known is Peter’s long flirtation with the dark side of bureaucracy. After serving as Faculty Association Treasurer for a number of years, he went on to serve a one-year stint as Associate Dean (Administration) for the Faculty of Science in 1984. This morphed into service as Head of the Department of Microbiology for 27 years from 1985 to 2012. In 2013, he began what was to be a second short stint as Associate Dean (Administration), but which, after many false alarms, ended 9 years later in 2022. He will be fully retired in 2023, and will continue his association with the University as Professor Emeritus. Other obsessions of Peter, which can only be alluded to in a research page, include sailing, carpentry, wine making, cars and pets, to mention but a few. The following pages provide a review of the tangible outcomes of the research that was carried out in the lab by providing access to the publications and PDB submissions that resulted. If you only want information about Peter and don’t want to wade through all the pages,his complete CV is available here. VIEW CV Contact Information: peter.loewen@umanitoba.ca 204 797 2134 |