We are pleased to have Dr. Leann Buhrow join our group as a research associate as of June 2013. Leann comes to us from Michigan State University, where she recently earned her PhD in Computational Biology and Biophysics. Leann will be working with Cameron Gordon on investigations of the role of phytohormones in susceptibility of wheat to Fusarium Head Blight. Leann is supported by the Canadian Wheat Alliance, Resilient Wheat Flagship program.
Welcome Back Fraser!
The lab is pleased to welcome Fraser Ball back for summer 2013. Coming to us again from the U Vic Coop program, Fraser is working with Dr. Kishore Rajagopalan on functional characterization of wheat rust resistant proteins, with a focus on ABC transporters. Fraser is funded by the Canadian Wheat Alliance, Resilient Wheat Flagship Program .
Khorana Memorial – MIT April 1 2012
What a great time! Gobind would have loved it. Here is Michele back in the old ‘tea room’ late at night with old friends in building 68. From left to right – Nico (Ghent), John (Yale), Caroline (MIT), Michele (NRC), Elena (MGH Boston), Phil (U of Essex), Li (U Albani).
Gobind’s Favorite Excerpt:
We must be still and still moving
Into another intensity
For a further union, a deeper communion
Through the dark cold and empty desolation
The wave cry, the wind cry, the vast waters
Of the petrel and the porpoise. In my end is my beginning.
– T.S. Eliot
Gobind’s Publication Statistics:
600+ papers
35880 citations
h-factor 101
Proof of Concept – Prize Winning Pumpkin Update?
Ultimately we were unable to simply grow a pumpkin and leave well enough alone. Based on recent findings in the lab (Kharenko et al 2011 Biochemical J) we ended up subjecting the pumpkin to field trial drought stress tests in mid-August. Induction of ABA was anticipated to lead to stimulation of energy production and a larger pumpkin. However the drought stage lasted longer than anticipated leading to death of the vine and a permanent end to fruit growth. No amount of moisture re-application would revive the vine and we harvested in mid-September. Non-the less, the pumpkin weighed in at about 5 pounds, 6 ounces displaying unique and what we believe to be prize winning characteristics.
Pumpkin Update June/July
Well despite the lack of posts on the subject indeed things have been progressing well at the LLPP. In mid-June the gnome was bribed with beverage after an outdoor group meeting on location. He seemed to respond well as after 2 weeks of subsequent complete neglect on the part of the growers, a pumpkin emerged. It was first spotted by Pooja at our second LLPP party that took place last week. While not of such a significant size just yet, we remain hopeful and anticipate setting up the drip IV later this month.
Congratulations to Stephanie Kendall, M.Sc.!
Congratulations to Stephanie who successfully defended her Master’s thesis today in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Saskatchewan. Stephanie joined the Loewen lab in September of 2006, had a beautiful baby boy in 2008, and as of July 2011, is the first student to successfully defend a thesis out of the Loewen Lab. She is glad to be done, currently making a few minor edits to her thesis and otherwise looking forward to not being a graduate student anymore. We wish Stephanie all the best in her future career endeavors.
New Publication – Kharenko et al 2011
This work represents an output related to an ongoing project funded by the NRC Genomics and Health Initiative. It describes findings that suggest the possibility of as yet uncharacterized mechanisms of ABA action related to inhibition of mitochondrial ATP translocation and functional localization of ABA in the mitochondrial matrix.
Pumpkin Gnomes
Well there has been alot of discussion about garden gnomes and pumpkins. At our secret Loewen Lab Pumpkin Plantation (LLPP) site, not so much of a gnome but more of a gargoyle . We found him lurking amidst the dead dandelions after the RoundUp was applied. A few issues getting running water to the site in the early days, but things are under control now and many thanks to Sam and Allison for the TLC over the last 10 days. We are planning our first LLPP site party for next Wednesday 3PM (BYO). All are welcome to join us if you can find us!
This work represents an output related to an ongoing project funded by the NRC Genomics and Health Initiative. It describes the uptake and metabolism of ABA by a Lesquerella fendleri cell culture, as well as the effect of ABA on increasing cellular and culture lipid content .
The Pumpkin Plantation
We have entered the annual PBI Pumpkin Growing Competition. A single pumpkin plant with 8 brown thumbs caring for it. We hardend it May 17th – May 24th, during which time you may have spotted it lurking in the front beds of PBI during the day time. As of today, Monday May 25th at 2:30 PM it has been planted, at a secret location, into what appeared to be a healthy rich soil, that we further amended with about 8 gallons of clean manure. A drip watering system is being developed to ensure good ongoing soil moisture content. Stay tuned for updates!