The Lab is Pleased to Welcome Dr. Leann Buhrow

We are pleased to have Dr. Leann Buhrow join our group as a research associate as of June 2013.  Leann comes to us from Michigan State University, where she recently earned her PhD in Computational Biology and Biophysics.  Leann will be working with Cameron Gordon on investigations of the role of phytohormones in susceptibility of wheat to Fusarium Head Blight.  Leann is supported by the Canadian Wheat Alliance, Resilient Wheat Flagship program.


Welcome Back Fraser!

The lab is pleased to welcome Fraser Ball back for summer 2013.  Coming to us again from the U Vic Coop program, Fraser is working with Dr. Kishore Rajagopalan on functional characterization of wheat rust resistant proteins, with a focus on ABC transporters.  Fraser is funded by the Canadian Wheat Alliance, Resilient Wheat Flagship Program .

New Graduate Student – Ms. Khanh Luu









We are pleased to welcome Khanh Luu to the lab.  Khanh is a new graduate student at the University of Saskatchewan, coming to us from Vietnam, via the USA and Australia.  She is a student through the WCVM, Dept of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences.  Her project is on the structure-function characterization of select anion channels  involved in mediating the deposition of fusarium head blight toxin in wheat, which if fed as feed, has negative effects on livestock .  Her project is a collaboration between the labs of Dr. Sister (Michele) Loewen and Dr.  Brother (Matthew) Loewen, as Khanh has taken to calling us.  This work is funded by individual NSERC discovery grants to both Brother and Sister Loewen.

New Patent – Abrams et al. 2012

Suzanne R. Abrams, Michele C. Loewen, Jason Boyd, Adrian John Cutler, Yuanzhu Gai, Kenneth, M. Nelson (2012) Inhibitors of a 9-cis epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase. United States Patent US 8,283,481 Issues Oct 9, 2012.

Our work on the development of Abscisic Acid (ABA) biosynthetic inhibitors based was finally accepted by the United States Patent Office. It was based on the rational design of a small molecule to fit and stick into the primary biosynthetic 9-cis expoxycarotenoid diogenase enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of ABA in planta.  This is related to our previous publication Boyd et al., 2009.

The Lab is Pleased to Welcome Fraser Ball

Fraser is a student in the University of Victoria Cooperative program in Microbiology and Biochemistry. His summer position in our lab is funded by the NRC wheat flagship. He will be working with Cameron Gordon on deciphering the role of abscisic acid in the modulation of wheat diseases.

Khorana Memorial – MIT April 1 2012

What a great time! Gobind would have loved it. Here is Michele back in the old ‘tea room’ late at night with old friends in building 68. From left to right – Nico (Ghent), John (Yale), Caroline (MIT), Michele (NRC), Elena (MGH Boston), Phil (U of Essex), Li (U Albani).

Gobind’s Favorite Excerpt:
We must be still and still moving
Into another intensity
For a further union, a deeper communion
Through the dark cold and empty desolation
The wave cry, the wind cry, the vast waters
Of the petrel and the porpoise. In my end is my beginning.
– T.S. Eliot

Gobind’s Publication Statistics:
600+ papers
35880 citations
h-factor 101

Welcome Back Cameron!

We are pleased to announce that Cameron Gordon has returned to the lab as of February 2012 to work on a Master’s Degree in Biochemistry. Cameron previously worked with us as a 4th year project student on fungal pheromone receptors and will be shifting to now focus on wheat phytohormone receptors.